Saturday, November 26, 2011

Nine Turks good, ten Turks bad: the Gaza flotilla, the Döner Kebab murders and the future of Germany

I have a nationalist friend who refuses to discuss the recent news story - of the 'Döner Kebab Murders' in Germany - on the phone. He is convinced that the secret police are tapping his phone, and will use whatever comments he makes to arrest him, and frame him, for the idea of supporting a 'Döner Kebab' copycat murder spree: while (rest assured) he never will murder any döner kebab vendors, he wouldn't put it past the state to frame him for wanting to do so.

This is unlikely. Suppose that two members of the Trotskyite-communist Socialist Alliance were discussing the latest outrages by the Colombian FARC, or the Indian Maoists - would they be arrested and framed for plotting acts of left-wing violence? But such is the paranoia on the Far Right.

As we know from the news, a group calling itself the National Socialist Underground in Germany killed ten Turkish immigrants - all vendors of disgusting döner kebabs - over the course of ten years, without being detected; they also robbed a bank and killed a female police officer. They made a bizarre video, which has the faces of their victims imposed on a 1960s Pink Panther cartoon (and slogans such as 'Actions, not Words'). Their actions were only discovered recently after two of the men in the gang committed suicide (by shooting each other) and then blowing themselves up with a timed explosive. (A female member turned herself in). The German press has, delightfully, christened the gang 'the Brown Army Faction', and the reactions have been predictable. Merkel has declared herself shocked and ashamed. There will be compensation paid by the German government (the German government is always good for money), a minute's silence in the Bundestag, while members of the German establishment are renewing their calls to ban the NPD and proposing that all German nationalists be registered with the German secret police.

Ironically, the story broke on the fiftieth anniversary of the first Turkish "guest-workers" arriving in Germany. (Turkish immigrants were brought in, as "guests", to fill a supposed labour-shortage; but the guests continued to stay, and now number 3 million - and many of them now find it hard getting any work at all).

The National Socialist Underground were undetected for a long time, and the Turkish immigrants in Germany are arguing that this is proof of an endemic German "racism". This, of course, is an argument against their position. Supposing that the Germans are (as the immigrants imply) a nasty, horrible, "racist" people: why, then, are the millions of Muslim immigrants in the country? Surely, in this instance, you'd want to stay in, and live in, a Muslim country, where you won't get discriminated against for being a Turk or Muslim? But actually, no. To the Turkish immigrants, the purpose of the Bundesrepublik is to protect them from the nasty "Neo-Nazis" and other racists, so their vendors can continue to sell their greasy döners in peace. (As a friend said to me, 'There are SO many Doner Kebab vendors in Germany, its unbelievable that they can all stay in business.  It's easier to get a Kebab in Germany, than actual German food').

The attitude of Germany's Turks reflects the immigrant mentality: they believe they have the "right" to a better life - in a wealthy country like Germany. The fact that they are, by emigrating there in the millions, actually colonising those countries (like the Jewish settlers in Jerusalem and the West Bank) with the effect of dispossessing the indigenous Germans (or British or Swedes), crowding them out of their own cities and reproducing, in those cities and council-housing estates, a downtown Istanbul or Islamabad or Mogadishu, in miniature - is of no concern to them. The white man has to lump it: the immigrant has his "right to a better life", and that's that.

As we know, this emigration is, in the end, counter-productive. There are no magical properties in the German, British, Australian or American soil, which make these countries prosperous, safe, clean; no, these qualities - which are really the virtues of the white nations - come about from the people. Displace the people, and you end up with something like a China, India, Pakistan, Mexico or Congo. (Now, nothing against those countries in particular, but it's evident that literally millions of their inhabitants are desperate to get away from them, and go somewhere else - preferably to a white man's country).

What sticks in the throat of the Germans (or Swedes, or British), is that the immigrants from Pakistan or Somalia don't even make the effort to pretend to like the native inhabitants (I myself have never met a Chinese or Indian immigrant who, while liking Australia, actually admits to liking 'Aussies' themselves). Indeed, it's only a matter of time before the immigrant population starts to make demands - loud demands - that the host country adopt to its ways. In a recent article in The Age newspaper ('Too-white TV must tune in to the real Team Australia', 26/11/2011), a few immigrant "entertainers" declared that Australian TV was 'too white', and that changes needed to be made. (The author writes, 'MORE than 2 million Australians were born in Asia and our Indian-born population has more than trebled in a decade, but mainstream television, other than SBS, rarely reflects this fact'). Presumably, these immigrants can go home to their countries of origin and watch Chinese, and Indian soaps all day long, and feel included that way; but they don't want to. It is we who have to accommodate them.

The irony of the Döner Kebab murders is that the liberal establishment sometimes looks at the murder of Turks, and other non-whites, as a sad necessity. As we know, Israel killed nine Turks on the Gaza flotilla, which was on its way to break the Israeli embargo of Gaza and deliver supplies of nappies, toilet paper and goat meat. As to why they were killed, well, in the disordered mind of the Jewish-Israeli, nappies and goat meat are, in fact, weapons of mass destruction which can be used to murder the poor little Jews of Israel (in the nearby settlement of Ashkalon, for instance). In addition, the sight of anyone wanting to help Israel's chief enemy - the Palestinians - fills Jewish-Israelis with a murderous rage. Hence, the murder of the nine Turks. The liberal establishment makes excuses: 'The Turks were attacking the Israeli commandos with iron bars! The commandos were acting in self-defence!'. But then, suppose that it was Jews who were embargoed by an occupying (Arab or German) army, and Jewish activists, seeking to break that embargo, were shot dead... The Western liberal establishment, despite being ostensibly egalitarian, does categorise peoples according to their worth: and Jewish Israelis, along with Jews in general, are on a higher plane than Turks and other non-whites.

Amusingly, I saw a news item, on SBS, with a story on Palestinian 'freedom-ride' activists, who tried to catch a Jews-only bus to Jerusalem. They were forcibly removed, from the bus, by Jewish-Israeli soldiers, to the approval and delight of the Jewish-Israeli passengers. In the interest of freedom from bias, the news report took up half its time explaining the Israeli point of view: Palestinians had, in the past, blown up buses with Jewish-Israelis; therefore, Palestinians had to be prevented from riding buses with Jewish-Israelis on them. Of course, the Palestinian 'freedom-riders' compared themselves to the heroic Negroes of the US civil rights struggle in the 1960s; but American proponents of segregation could have used exactly the same arguments as the Israeli government in this story (given the fact of interracial, black-on-white crime in the US).

These Palestinian tactics will, over time, prove to be very effective. The activists understand that the civil rights Negroes (along with Mandela) are venerated as gods in the West; they want to drive a wedge between the liberal Westerners and the (now) not-so-liberal lovers of Israel and Jewry. In short, they want to bring this hierarchy - where Jews are placed on a pedestal, above Muslims - to light.

Where, however, does this leave the Germans? The National Socialist Underground are the equivalent of the urban guerrilla, left-wing terrorist groups (such as the Baader-Meinhof gang, or Denmark's pro-Palestinian 'Left Wing Gang'). In their ideology, they more resemble the white nationalists of Robert Jay Matthews and the Order; they are not, so far as I can see, National Socialists: the Third Reich had excellent relations with Turkey (although Turkey never joined the Axis cause), and never suffered from a Turkish immigrant problem.

A friend of mine writes that the purpose of the modern German political establishment 'like any other Western one, is to ensure there IS no Germany, or Italy, or England, or America, or Australia... [The Bundesrepublik] too "Officially" supports the German people but "unofficially" would prefer to see them gone'. That is, the German establishment wants to get rid of the Germans, en masse, and replace them with an immigrant Islamic or African or Indian or Asian population; the same goes for the political establishments in Britain, Australia, etc. Whether or not these respective establishments succeed in their task is another thing altogether. Some countries (like Britain) are bringing in such huge numbers of immigrants that they are actually succeeding in displacing the white inhabitants to an enormous degree (57% of students in schools in England, for example, are now non-white); other countries, like Germany, are, despite their best efforts, not reaching British levels. The point is, the intent - and it is a genocidal intent - is there.

Morally, then, the likes of the National Socialist Underground stand on the same plane as the Palestinians, in the West Bank and Jerusalem, who commit acts of violence against Jewish settlers: violence is the last resort after any negotiations have broken down and attempts at a peaceful resolution have been thwarted. The Western political establishment views all nationalists and racialists and disgusting, filthy creatures. Nationalists are locked out of the political establishment, and out of the political (and intellectual) debates of our age. The German nationalists of the National Socialist Underground, then, felt that they had no choice but to commit violent crimes, which in turn leaves the political establishment feeling validated in their low estimation of nationalists.

It is always fascinating, from an intellectual point of view, watching extremist types - whether of the Far Right or Left - pursuing the logical implications of their ideology to the bitter end. It is also a saddening sight when the efforts of those same extremists are so counter-productive and futile. The Baader-Meinhofs and Red Brigades didn't succeed in their objectives (and, by the end, they seemed somewhat confused as to what their objectives were); the National Socialist Underground, despite its killing the döner vendors, won't put a dent in the 4.3 million-strong Muslim immigrant population. What's more, they may end up making things worse for German nationalism. The West, of course, reveres some terrorists (who make futile, and violent, gestures against repressive regimes - e.g., Mandela); but it comes down hard, especially hard, on right-wing, nationalist terrorists, and non-terrorists on the Far Right suffer too.

To return to my question: are the National Socialist Underground, and the "Neo-Nazis", really National Socialists?

One of my objections to the ideology of "Neo-Nazism" is that it (as in the case of Savitri Devi) puts Hitler and the National Socialists almost at the level of a trans-national religious cult; whereas Hitler and the National Socialists were Germans first, German nationalists second, and National Socialists third. The volunteers who fought in the German army in WWI, or in the Freikorps after WWI, were closer to the true, historical German National Socialism than many of the so-called "Neo-Nazis" of today.

One of the interesting things about the recent European financial crisis is that the old stereotype - of Germany, and the Germans, as the bully, and the bully with the power and the money - has returned, especially in the British media. One has to scan the tabloids daily to find comparisons of Merkel and Sarkozy to Hitler and Petain (the tabloids, of course, intend such comparisons to be offensive, because they are full of a vindictive hatred of the Germans, and the French, in general). All this proves that nations don't deviate much from their national types, no matter who is in charge; the fact that Sarkozy is a French Jew, and Merkel is a German who hates Germans (and daughter of an East German pro-communist priest), makes no difference. Now, in 2011, a powerful bully runs Germany, a toady of Germany runs France, an exhibitionist buffoon (the recently-deposed Berlusconi) runs Italy, while a spluttering, impotent Britain wrings its hands and looks on - all of this looks like the Europe of 1941!

Which raises the question: what if German does revert to type? What if decades of Allied brain-washing, Judaist Holocaust religious propaganda and Bundesrepublik-ism make no difference and the old, pre-1945 Germany feels compelled to reassert itself? This is what the British tabloids, and other commentators, are thinking. You can kidnap a man, and brainwash him, as in the famous movie The Manchurian Candidate (1962); but, after a while, the brainwashing will wear off and that man will revert to who he is - his essence. (And remember, brainwashing, as a method of mind-control, was devised, and first put into practice, by communists). As it is with human beings, so it is with nations: nature triumphs nurture.

I, almost daily, read (in the popular press) sombre ruminations by British commentators, who remind their readers that British policy on the Continent has always been to maintain a 'balance of power' and prevent any country from gathering up all the power for itself. Now that Germany is (under Merkel) accrueing power for itself, the British have to sit up and take note. But all the British can do is isolate themselves, further and further, from the Continental powers, and the EU. All this reminds me of the popular journalism of the 1920s and 1930s.

I myself think that these commentators are right. Because of the geopolitical, and economic, realities, Germany is reverting to the old nationalistic Germany - of Bismarck and Wilhelm II - whether it wants to or not, and despite the best efforts of its anti-German, anti-nationalist political establishment.

If only there were some way to connect the two threads - the realities of Germany's geopolitical position, and the Far Right German nationalism of the NPD: so far, they stand on separate sides of the fence.

I have written here before about how difficult it is for today's nationalist intellectuals to reproduce, exactly, the ideology of a German National Socialism or an Italian Fascism. (The Trotskyites who want to 'bring back' the old pre-Stalin communism have the same difficulty). It is a difficult intellectual exercise simply because so much water has flowed under the bridge. (You may as well try and understand the "original" Christianity of Jesus and his disciples, or the "original" Buddhism). Something happens, in cases like these, is that strange deviations of the doctrine emerge, which have little or no relation to the original. Modern-day Trotskyism, as represented by the Socialist Alliance, Socialist Alternative and other Australian communist groups, has no relation to Trotskyism or even communism. The modern Australian "Trotskyist" platform is: gay marriage, Palestinian nationalism and student rights (plus a dose of 'Free the Refugees'). Trotsky himself would have been baffled.

But what was National Socialism's original doctrine? One of the main components of it was a faith in the German people: that they were a resourceful, hard-working and above all resilient people - given the chance; other nations (and the less said of them, the better) didn't have those qualities. The same qualities stemmed from the people themselves; they weren't magical properties of the German soil. This was Hitler's "racialism", which communists and liberals have found so outrageous (and British nationalists, like the Churchill types, whose nationalism consists of hating, actively, other nations).

One of the reasons why they found it so outrageous was that "racialism" was that, in Hitler's ideology, in order for Germans to be 'given the chance', the Jewish population of Germany had to be booted out of the leading positions it occupied in commerce, academia, politics, the trade union movement, the media; and, furthermore, communism in Germany had to be quashed, for all time. Communism, and Jewry, had plenty of supporters at the time (and still do); these supporters regarded Jewry, and communists, as an inoffensive people undeserving of such a fate.

The German National Socialist doctrines here are logical and self-consistent: one proposition naturally flows from the other. Do they apply, however, to Germany (and Europe) today?

Yes and no. There is, constitutionally, a profound difference between Hitler's Germany and the Bundesrepublik today; there is also a profound spiritual difference - Judaism, Holocaustianism and the worship of the Jewish-Israeli people (all the one and same thing) is the official state-sponsored religion of Germany (and much of the West). But these 'overlays' are superficial. The core of Germany - the German people - is still there; furthermore, that core hasn't changed much since the time of Bismarck or Wilhelm II. The old characteristics of the Germans are popping up again, in the recent financial crisis. As Walter Russell Mead writes, in the Wall Street Journal:

France is basically a Club Med country with some northern features (historically often found among the Huguenots and Jews, out of which communities many of its most successful business leaders have come). It wants a "political" economic system for Europe, one in which political pressures can ensure the kind of steady devaluation of the euro that Italy, Spain, France, Greece and Portugal used to enjoy with their national currencies in the good old pre-euro days. The only problem with this old system was that it gave too many advantages to the Germans, Dutch and others (in the form of lower interest rates). France wants to stick the Germans with a Latin currency and Latin rules for running it.

Germany, on the other hand, wants the Latin countries to live by northern rules: Keep the currency sound, the budgets balanced and let the chips fall where they may. There is zero, repeat, zero consensus in Germany to go Latin and give the euro into the hands of slick French and Italian politicians. Technocrats bound by rules, the Germans can accept: That is why an Italian technocrat is following a Frenchman at the head of the ECB. But that is also why the Germans are being such sticklers about ECB rules against bailouts and unlimited ECB purchases of sovereign bonds.

['The Culture War Over Europe's Money' (subtitled, 'The Germans are richer and more stubborn... The French are flashier and faster on their feet', WSJ, 17/11/2011)].

How redolent this is of the (often crass) generalisations of Hitler's Table Talk and Mein Kampf! And yet, the likes of Mead are not accused of being German nationalists, National Socialists, or NPD-sympathisers.

The problem for the nationalist intellectual (and the German nationalist) is that we have been so deluged with propaganda and misinformation, regarding Hitler, National Socialism and the 'old' Germany (that is, the Germany before the Allied-Soviet occupation), is that we have lost sight of the old Germany - that is, we don't know what it looks like. As well as that, we have distorted perceptions of Hitler and National Socialism. (The opponents of National Socialism - Jewry in particular - are not the only source of these misperceptions. There are the "Neo-Nazis" themselves, who see Hitler as a "saviour of the white race" and a prototypical white nationalist).

Now, of course, the 'old Germany' is starting to come back. For decades, the Germans have been told that any manifestations of German strength are evil - and are the purest, deepest evil known to man; furthermore, Germans have been told that, in any case, they are very weak, and that life under the dreadful Allied-Soviet occupation has made them weak, and that they will continue to be weak for a long time. Now, though, the perception is that Germany is strong, and strong once again. They are exhibiting (according to the commentators in and outside Germany) the same old German virtues - the virtues which, ironically, were lauded by Hitler (e.g., the virtue of resilience - see Hitler's final radio address on January 30, 1945). The modern foes of Germany (among them, the British) see this and are furious: they recognise that, despite Merkel, despite the attempt to dilute, and destroy, the German identity through Turkish immigration and Islam - the old Germany is back.

Which isn't to say that the 'austerity' policies Merkel advocates aren't disastrous: they are. Italy, Spain, Greece, Belgium, France, need strong economic growth to meet the interest payments on their debts, and won't get that growth by raising their taxes to the stratosphere (the taxes are high enough already). Supply-side economic theory predicts that, if a nation starts cutting its tax rates to the levels needed to deliver increased production and commerce, interest rates on national debt will drop - just as they did on US debt in the 1980s (and this was despite the US, under Reagan, running a record deficit for the time). The "Latin" countries of Southern Europe are quite right to reject the austerity measures demanded by Germany and the EU. Furthermore, it is not clear as to why the EU has to use taxpayer's money to prevent bondholder losses (losses which would come about were Greece, Italy or Spain to default).

But the Eurozone is, despite the dire predictions of the financial press, not about to 'break up'. The euro is not collapsing: it is one of the strongest currencies in the world - along with the yen and the pound. And, were any of the Eurozone countries to abandon the euro, they would still have to pay back debts denominated in euros. Greece would be crazy to revert to the drachma (but then, no country in the Eurozone is seriously considering going back to the old national currencies, no matter what the financial press says).

The question is, if my thesis is correct, why, now, are countries such as Germany, France, Britain, Greece, Italy 'reverting to type'? Why didn't they do it years ago? The answer is America - or rather, America's decline in the past ten years. It has exhausted itself fighting two long wars (which aren't over yet) which it could not win, and thereby showed up the myth of American military supremacy. It is no coincidence that its economy took a nosedive around the same time. Political power, as Yockey never tired of saying, is a plenum, the opposite of a vacuum: it fills all available spaces. When power departs from one country, it arrives at another. The dead hand of America has been on Britain, Poland and France since the 1930s, and then all of Western Europe since 1945. Now, though, the grip has loosened somewhat. The nations of Europe are beginning to move around a bit - and rediscover what life was like before America.

Hitler would have attributed America's problems to 'The Jew' - and certainly, Jewish-American policy-makers are responsible for America's foreign policy woes (which will be compounded if America, at Israel's behest, attacks Iran). But Europe's problems - particularly the immigrant problem - are somewhat more complex. What is clear that European nationalism, particularly German nationalism, needs to adopt a new ideology to deal with the new realities. The German nationalists are completely out of step with the changes that are taking place. The NPD and Merkel (who may be voted out at the next election) need to meet in the same room, so to speak. But, at the moment, this is impossible. The Merkels want to Islamify Germany, thereby wiping them out, in order to atone for the "Holocaust"; the NPD want to revise the results of WWII, and throw out the Muslims. Neither can see past these (obviously irreconcilable) differences and see the commonalities - i.e., their shared 'German-ness'.

The quest is on for new political forms. A true German nationalist party would get rid of, not only Bundesrepublik theories and forms, but also the old National Socialism (or the caricature National Socialism has become). Again, this would be impossible for the time being, simply because (in my experience) German nationalists lack the foresight and imagination to do such a thing (but then, Germans have always been such a stubborn people).

But for non-Germans, today's events show the closest thing to an approximation of what the old Germany - before the Allied/Soviet conquest and subjugation of 1945 - looked like. The question is, do we like what we see?

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